Sunday, January 29, 2012

Maths: mental multiplication strategies

Today we looked again at mental multiplication, using different strategies to arrive at the answer. On this set of boards you can see three different ways of multiplying 28 by 5. The first way is to partition (separate) the tens and units, multiply separately, then add.

The second way uses near multiples of 10. 28 is almost 30. 5 x 30 is easy if we know 5 x 3. Then we just need to subtract two lots of 5.

The last board shows how we can use doubling to get the answer. Doubling twice is the same as multiplying by 4. That gives us 4 lots of 28. Then we just have to add one more lot of 28 to get the answer.

At home please do the sheet I gave you about the 7x table. Take care and enjoy doing it.

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