Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Literacy: writing our own set of instructions

In our lessons over the past week we have looked at sets of instructions that have already been written. Today we made our first attempt to write a set of instructions ourselves. We started with a flowchart based on Raghad's way of making ice lollies. The flowchart has notes to tell us what to do. Our task was to make the notes into a proper set of instructions, with imperative verbs, adverbs and time connectives.

After we had worked on the task individually for a few minutes, we talked together and came up with the set of instructions on the board above. Click to enlarge. At home please look carefully at your set of instructions and make sure they are finished. Underline all the imperative verbs, adverbs and time connectives. I hope your instructions are not exactly the same as mine! Enjoy doing your homework. I look forward to reading some splendid instructions tomorrow.

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